NEW For freelancers who are tired of wasting effort and time sending tens of outreach messages per day only to get ignored or painfully rejected…

Discover the New Proven Method To Attract Dream Clients Effortlessly And Price Your Services with $3,000+ Fees with the 1% Freelancer Formula

…without spending hours and hours DMing prospects, chasing hours for dollars, or spending months to years trying to be an “expert”

Php 2,500 FREE



NEW For freelancers who are tired of wasting effort and time sending tens of outreach messages per day only to get ignored or painfully rejected…

Discover the New Proven Way To Become A Dream Client Magnet And Get

Paid Stable $3,000+ Fees with the 1% Freelancer Formula

…without spending hours and hours DMing prospects, chasing hours for dollars, or spending months to years trying to be an “expert”

Php 2,500 FREE



Hi, I’m Maj Custodio

And in the past few years, I’ve coached over 20,000+ freelancers – from aspiring to experienced.

In the past, getting clients was as easy as sliding into their inbox and hitting “send”…

Applying to remote jobs on Online Jobs PH…

And cold emailing strangers about your service.


You could send 50 outreach messages on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn…

And be lucky to have 2 or 3 prospects reply.

The market has become so saturated and clients are less responsive to DMs in their inbox…

Putting the hours you spent reaching out to waste…

And making you wake up and go to bed with gnawing anxiety about when you’ll get your next client or where they will come from…

Hoping to get 10s of responses the next day, only to have crickets chirping in your inbox…

Hi, I’m Maj Custodio

And in the past few years, I’ve coached over 20,000+ freelancers – from aspiring to experienced.

In the past, getting clients was as easy as sliding into their inbox and hitting “send”…

Applying to remote jobs on Online Jobs PH…

And cold emailing strangers about your service.


You could send 50 outreach messages on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn…

And be lucky to have 2 or 3 prospects reply.

The market has become so saturated and clients are less responsive to DMs in their inbox…

Putting the hours you spent reaching out to waste…

And making you wake up and go to bed with gnawing anxiety about when you’ll get your next client or where they will come from…

Hoping to get 10s of responses the next day, only to have crickets chirping in your inbox…

Leaving you grappling with a massive ball of self-doubt and crippling worry…

Wondering if you made the right choice to be a freelancer…

Asking yourself if you really have what it takes or if you’re meant to just stay where you are – a freelancer who has hit an income ceiling and is struggling to get by…

Just in 2020 alone, the number of freelancers worldwide has increased by

54 million according to top freelancing platforms…

And thanks to the pandemic, the freelancing space has become more and more competitive…

Many of the newer freelancers today are taking the same courses you’re taking…

Watching the same freelance videos you’re watching…

Applying the same outdated “client getting strategies” you’re applying…

Getting hired as a freelancer has become harder than ever

Every day, 50 million+ freelancers are finding their way into your clients’ Messenger, Instagram and email accounts…

No wonder your outreach messages are mostly unseen…

Making it harder for you to get new clients and make freelancing predictable and stable.

To make things worse, this global competition has made it so clients have the upper hand…

Why would they pay you more than the minimum they could when there’s Japreet from India, Marko from Ukraine and Mohammed from Pakistan who are willing to work for half the price you’re charging?

While it’s true that more and more clients are hiring freelancers every day…

70% of clients today are usually looking for the cheapest guy

These are NOT the clients you’ve been wanting to work with.

And as if that’s not bad enough…

Many clients on the market today are demanding and unwilling to pay you how much you’re REALLY worth…

Making it harder for freelancers – both aspiring and experienced – to charge 4-figure dollar monthly rates…

And even harder to find their dream clients who are willing and able to pay you and I for the results we can bring to their company.

Which is why on this event you'll discover how you'll...

✅Finally get paid your worth and enjoy $3,000+ fees

✅Work with your DREAM clients who appreciate your work and respect you as a valuable team member

✅Escape the outreach grind that just leaves you tired, discouraged and ignored by prospects

So if you’re ready to be a part of the 1% freelancers who are truly living the life you’ve only been daydreaming about…

Click the button below and attend your appointment!

What You’ll Discover in The

1% Freelancer LIVE Event:

👉What the 1% Freelancer Formula is and how if attracts dream clients and high retainer fees month after month

👉How to become the go-to freelance expert in your industry

👉Avoid the most common mistakes 95% of freelancers make that get them nightmare clients and low fees

👉The Top-Secret Technique To Build A Powerful Personal Brand That Attracts High-Value Clients On Autopilot

👉How to scale your freelance business without sacrificing family time, sleep or your sanity

1% freelancer by maj custodio

quickpro academy 2023